Katie’s Killer Kale Chips

Another super fab post from Katie!  I’m so excited to share.  Kale chips truly are EASY and GOOD!  Give her recipe a try when you’re craving something crunchy and salty.  Nooch (nutritional yeast) is mega good and gives any vegan dish a cheesy flavor.

Killer Kale Chips
Killer Kale Chips


“These kale chips are SOOO good. SO good. You’ll love them!


You’ll need:

Kale (buy organic!)

Nutritional Yeast

Olive Oil

Chopped Yellow Onion

Black Pepper

Garlic Powder

Turmeric Root

Celtic Sea Salt


If the kale is not prewashed/cut, go ahead and do that. Compost or juice all of the thick stems, you don’t want them in your kale chips.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.


To make the sauce, throw everything into a blender. I kind of eyeballed it (I know that isn’t helpful) but I used about a tbsp of nutritional yeast, maybe half a cup of olive oil, a few twists of black pepper, minimal garlic powder, a tiny bit of chopped yellow onion (a fourth of a handful maybe), and about an inch of turmeric root. Use the Celtic sea salt to taste. Blend all of those things together until it’s completely smooth.


Toss the kale in the sauce. I put parchment paper on a baking sheet and then evenly distributed the kale.


Bake the kale in the oven until it’s lightly brown but not burnt. It should be about 10 to 15 minutes. If you’re fortunate enough to have a food dehydrator, “cook” them at 110 degrees for 8 to 12 hours until crispy. For the healthiest possible kale chips, use a food dehydrator because it preserves most of the vitamins and enzymes and packs a better nutritional punch!


Enjoy! Yum!”

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